Review: Dol Theeta – Monad
Of man’s many attempts at space travel, not every mission was a success, but the times where they were are downright glorious.
Review: Vitam Aeternam – Revelations from the Mother Harlot
A zany, religiously inspired journey through symphonic and avant prog.
Review: Teravolt – Waking up
A strong contender for bobblehead album of the year, Waking up will have your head bouncing around without any authorization!
Review: High Castle Teleorkestra – The Egg That Never Opened
A twisting, experimental ode to one of science fiction’s most darkly surreal authors.
Review: Aquae Furtivae – Road To Square One
Unique ideas are overshadowed by instrumental nothingness, and I may have found it more enjoyable if I only listened to the first three songs and the namesake epic.
Review: Mental Fracture – Disaccord
Disaccord might just be 2022’s of the best prog-rock albums that nobody is talking about.
Review: Rick Massie – Guided to an Imperfect Light
An album whose flaws becoming the hallmarks on a compellingly charming album.
Review: Moozoonsii – Inward
French stoner rock trio providing a soundtrack to your next trip.