Album Reviews
Missed Album Review: Exuvial – The Hive Mind Chronicles, Pt. 1: Parasitica
Like my soup, this one’s chunky, noodly, and Progresso̶ive
Like my soup, this one’s chunky, noodly, and Progresso̶ive
Medieval myths and stoner riffs? Giddyup.
These up-and-comers from Mexico have the potential to be breathtaking.
I like my “I like my coffee like” jokes like I like my metal: post-
Warning: untreated bedsores may cause Italian yelling
Another out-of-this-world offering from the St. Louis duo that is sure to please returning fans and convert new ones.
“I’d like to be/under the sea/with a giant squid’s chitinous beak/cutting through me”
– Ringo Starr if he was aboard The Black Cradle