Album Reviews
Review: Hex A.D. – Netherworld Triumphant
A (good) attempt at being Candlemass. There, that’s the album.
Album Reviews
Review: Onlihtan – The Sentinel
UK Post-Black one man band Onlihtan delivers a competent, albeit not-original, post-black album.
Album Reviews
Review: Pantheist – Seeking Infinity
A ”been-there-done-that” of an album, but in a good way. Pantheist deliver a funeral doom experience that’s bound to please fans of the genre.
Album Reviews
Review: ISA – Chimera
A really intense dream, that’s extremely vivid and real while happening, but you forget it as soon as it’s over.
Album Reviews
Review: Within Progress – Oceans of Time
A take on the traditional side of prog-metal with a small amount of middle-eastern influence.