Review: ShadowStrike – Traveler’s Tales
We’re getting into the restaurant review business now. Today: a three course cheese platter from the ShadowStrike fromagerie
Review: Haar – Ouroboros
Sam: “No Andy, you can’t review the new Blut Aus Nord, we have Blut Aus Nord at home…”
The Blut Aus Nord at Home:
Review: Sarmat – Dubious Disk / Determined to Strike
New York’s historic experimental jazz scene once again collides with metal in the most dastardly of ways with Sarmat’s first two releases.
Review: Déhà & Gnaw Their Tongues – Rituel des Ancêtres
Two of metal’s premier workhorses meet, and the results are much more quality than quantity.
Review: Sunbeam Overdrive – DIAMA
Here they come to give grunge a booster, you know it ain’t gonna die.
Review: Karmic Juggernaut – Phantasmagloria
Have no fear, the Cosmic Fool is here, to blow the lid off your conformist button-down world!
Review: Hammerhedd – Nonetheless
Elite groove metal fundamentals wrapped in a classy progressive package
Lost in Time: Shadow Gallery – Room V
Shadow Gallery’s least sure album to this point, does Room V hint toward a band in decline?