Style: Prog Rock/Synth-Pop (clean vocals)
Review by: Evan
Country: UK
Release date: 19 June 2020
NOTE: This album was originally included in the “Albums We Missed in 2020” Issue of The Progressive Subway
I picked this album up fairly last minute, so this will serve as more a first-impressions than a proper review. It is also worth noting that while I do listen to a fairly good deal of ‘70s prog rock, my synth-pop/wave experience is close to zero. I am not telling you to take everything I say with a grain of salt; obviously, because I am me, you should trust what I say. It is, however, good to get some disclaimers out of the way.
The first thing worth mentioning is that this album is very fun, and resultantly rather cheesy, but in a good way. Similarly, Celexa Dreams is just bursting with energy, making it an engaging listen throughout.
Our site has a habit of reviewing random synth stuff whose relation to prog is debatable, but this album is surely progressive. There are a few fairly lengthy tracks, such as “In Vatanblack,” that very much undergo sonic shifts, interesting rhythmic changes, etc. and they are juxtaposed against poppier shorter tracks like “Rumour,” which by the way, completely slaps. I had actually shortly finished a Gorguts discography run before listening to this album, and this track was just the contrast I needed to the far too depressing nonsense I typically listen to. (I managed to mention Gorguts in a synth review, I will call it a win).
Now to talk about the performances: the vocals and drums are probably the standouts. The drum lines were engaging and varied throughout the album, while the vocals were somehow extremely cheesy and emotive without being grating or otherwise unpleasant. They actually remind me of David Hasselhoff in that “True Survivor” ‘80s synth nostalgic track.
Now I will say the chessy synths do start to wear me down as I get to the end of the album. They’re a bit much perhaps, at least for my tastes. The album as a whole does seem to drag near the end. The variety in general is lacking: I was able to predict essentially what I was going to get based on each song length. There is an incredibly high chance I am overrating the similarity of the tracks due to my lack of familiarity with the sound. You can tell I’m a synth poser when the only track I could name was “True Survivor.”
The album’s best quality was making me nostalgic for something I never experienced to begin with. Check it out, maybe it will work its magic on you too. I will certainly be giving it another few spins.
Recommended tracks: Rumour, In Vatanblack, Technology Killed the Kids
Recommended for fans of: Yes, Genesis, ‘80s synth-pop
Final verdict: 7.5/10
Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Official Website | Facebook | RYM page
Label: White Star Records – Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Kyros is:
– Shelby Logan Warne (vocals, keyboards)
– Robin Johnson (drums, percussion)
– Peter Episcopo (bass, backing vocals)
– Joey Frevola (guitar, backing vocals)
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