Review: Hyvmine – Retaliation
Why are there Dream Theater solos and djent in my Nickleback and why am I enjoying this?
Why are there Dream Theater solos and djent in my Nickleback and why am I enjoying this?
Fat post-doom and dark folk make for a wonderful combination
To protest the lack of Protest the Hero, Raiju have Protested more Heroes than PTH have done since their latest album
Afternath warns us beforehand that there’s something wrong, and there is: it’s their album
Technical yet also catchy, punchy yet also innovative. A Novelist knows how to pack a thoroughly constructed punch.
An overlong title to an overlong album
How melodic do you want your death? Very? Check this out.
A 43 minute concept-album/track with plenty of sci-fi and variety.
A fantastic modern-metalcore album that can only be phased by scene giants.