Review: Dream Theater – Parasomnia
Recommended for fans of: wait a minute, isn’t this the biggest band in prog? Oh yeah, Portnoy’s also back, I guess.
Recommended for fans of: wait a minute, isn’t this the biggest band in prog? Oh yeah, Portnoy’s also back, I guess.
Haydon may not play Darth Vader this time, but that doesn’t stop him from embracing the dark side
Thirty-one years to write, hone skills, and perfect.
A technical relic from a bygone era.
The melodic prog metal veterans are at it again and WHAT DOES SANCTIMONARIUM EVEN MEAN AND WHY WON’T IT LEAVE MY BRAIN ALONE?
Like a gifted athlete student turning in his arts and literature term paper, Whom Gods Destroy shoot for thought-provoking but miss the net.
Look, I get why everyone wants to write their own Dance of Eternity, but not every instrumental track can be The Dance of Eternity. Unless…?
When quality fashion meets quality prog metal, bad maths happen
One of The Netherlands’s most prolific prog musicians is back at it with a double album.
DGM are back doing DGM things and for some reason we got to review them!