Album Reviews
Review: Albion – Lakesongs of Elbid
In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history lived a strange race of people: the Druids. No one knows who they were or what they were doin’, but their legacy remains, hewn into the living rock of Stone’enge
Album Reviews
Review: Malariii – Garden of Lies
How many one man French prog black metal bands can there possibly be?
Album Reviews
Review: External – Dreamscapes
On the internal of this album, External play some pretty solid VOLA-esque prog.
Album Reviews
Review: Notochord – Aegis
Ex-The Contortionist members delve into the post-metal realms.
Album Reviews
Review: Sgàile – Traverse the Bealach
Always remember: whilst all cols are bealachs, not all bealachs are cols!
Album Reviews
Review: I Don’t Do Drugs, I Am Drugs – The Savant on Ketamine
I am the law, I am the table, I am drugs, and I’m the walrus too. Goo goo g’joob.