Review: Lascaille’s Shroud – The Tiger’s Daughter
A 43 minute concept-album/track with plenty of sci-fi and variety.
A 43 minute concept-album/track with plenty of sci-fi and variety.
Sometimes music is frickin’ weird. And Nonamen certainly is that.
A fantastic modern-metalcore album that can only be phased by scene giants.
Great melodies are abundant in this power metal release, but is that enough to warrant Illusions a high score?
An eclectic clash of inspirations in this punchy, albeit mixed, Thrashy death metal record.
Wilson-esque progressive rock with an entrancing atmosphere and guitar melodies for days.
A group filled with interesting ideas becomes it’s own worst enemy by exploiting them to death.
An album whose blueprint isn’t necessarily wrong, just badly executed.
Abrasive, atmospheric, and slow. The Wright Valley Trio delivers a 48 minute monster of a track.