Review: Peculate – Your Own Personal Abyss
Peculate employs multiple styles to evoke a sense of dread with instruments one might normally find peaceful, which makes it all the more chilling and fascinating.
Review: 6:33 – Feary Tales for Strange Lullabies: The Dome
Relentlessly catchy, a fantastically entertaining release that’s equal parts 80s pastiche and avant-garde metal experimentation.
Review: Exxperior – Escalating Conflicts
If you are looking for something to fill the shoes of Devin Townsend (at least until his next release), then look no further! Exxperior might be exactly what you are looking for; goofy, fun, and heavy!
Review: Teitan – Vákuum
This is an oppressive, murky slab of acerbic and ritualistic black metal. The vocal layers are dense and haunting, combining harshes and uncomfortable cleans into walls of throat-rending expression, complementing the dynamic chaos of these focused and compellingly unique compositions
Review: Papangu – Holoceno
An incredibly musically ambitious album that is executed as well as it is envisioned. 7 years in the making, Holoceno combines progressive sludge metal with elements of avant garde and zeuhl.
Review: Temenigru – Terminal
Terminal is filled with great ideas, but it scarcely gives any of them the time they deserve.
Review: Epiphanic Truth – Dark Triad: Bitter Psalms To A Sordid Species
Fantastically textured and structured avant release with a lot to offer.
Review: Esoctrilihum – Dy’th Requiem For The Serpent Telepath
Yet another banger from one of the most prolific, ambitious, and talented artists in the French black metal scene.
Review: Voronoi – The Last Three Seconds
A good jazzy effort that sadly misses the mark.