Album Reviews
Review: Egor Lappo – Reasonable Nonsense
My favorite prog/electropop/thrash/synth/AOR record of all time. Also my least favorite. It’s the only one I’ve heard, is what I’m saying here.
Album Reviews
Review: Framing Skeletons – Misery Prelude: The Prince Eternal
“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”
*Sick flamenco section plays*
Album Reviews
Review: Sangre de Muérdago, Judasz & Nahimana – A Ilusão da Quietude
Queens of water, birch funerals, and mistletoe blood, oh my!
Lost in Time
Lost In Time: Kayo Dot – Hubardo
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but boats will take me down a river carved out by an eldritch sky rock