Review: Well of Sacrifice – Primal Conquest
How melodic do you want your death? Very? Check this out.
How melodic do you want your death? Very? Check this out.
Wilson-esque progressive rock with an entrancing atmosphere and guitar melodies for days.
Abrasive, atmospheric, and slow. The Wright Valley Trio delivers a 48 minute monster of a track.
An album that sounds exactly like what people think you listen to when you say ”I’m a big metal fan”
… in a good way
A release bound to keep you busy on your time signature calculator.
A big-ol’ genre salad; Uroboros offer tastes ranging from Black metal all the way to somber ballads.
A high-energy power metal release that doesn’t know what a first engine is? Age of Revolution is exactly that.
A rather straight-foward power metal journey proves to be pleasant for the well trained ear.
The Akercocke sideproject is back and they’re edgier than ever