Review: Wowod – Yarost’ I Proshchenie
A hybrid-album of sorts, bound to please those that crave both speed and lack thereof.
A hybrid-album of sorts, bound to please those that crave both speed and lack thereof.
A combination of beautiful and unsettling doom/drone goodness.
What, this album? Oh you know, It’s just prime progressive symphonic power metal is all.
Emotionally gripping post-metal with tasteful, varied song-writing.
Eerie, groovy prog death out of Poland that is worth a listen
Just a ripping technical death metal album that does not have a single boring moment or riff. And there are a lot of riffs.
The next generation of progressive death metal is in good hands.
Math rock meets jazz saxophone for a surprising debut album from Australia
Refreshing, smooth as butter technical death metal that is both familiar and its own.