Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Hello there! We are once again looking for new writers. This time however, we’re specifically looking for experts on progressive rock. When this blog started, it was just Sam looking at Metal-Archives for recent progressive metal releases. From that point on it was implicitly accepted that we were going to be a prog metal blog first and foremost (Metal-Archives does not house prog rock after all), but as time passed, writers with a wide variety of tastes came and went, and the scope of the blog widened to encompass all aspects of prog, including neo-prog rock, art rock, and even some of the more ambitious indie rock out there. We want to shine a light on all progressive underground music, not just the metal out there, and there’s a huge potential for exploration when it comes to up-and-coming obscure prog rock groups, from Zeuhl to brutal prog to the worst King Crimson rip-off you’ve ever heard. However, if you think you can offer a unique perspective (i.e. you don’t love prog death because too many of our writers love prog death) on prog that isn’t prog rock, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, too. 

To do this however, we will need writers who specialize in prog rock, and are willing to scour the internet to find the most promising obscure prog rock. Does this sound like you? If it does then please reach out to our email at with the following information:

  • Your writing experience, including links to relevant published work if any (or just overlong forum/Reddit posts, reviews you’ve written, your RYM list, etc.)
  • How much time you have/are willing to spend. We typically expect one review every one-two weeks from our writers.
  • An indication of your taste. This can be a list of your favourite bands or a link to your / RYM profile.
  • Please include the phrase REVIEWER APPLICATION in all caps in your email subject so we don’t miss it amidst a sea of promotional emails. 

What we can offer you: 

  • Access to albums before they release 
  • Opportunities to improve your writing skills
  • An extracurricular activity which looks good on a CV/résumé
  • A fun community where you can talk about music, writing, and whatever the hell else you’re interested in (we mostly just roast each other’s music taste and talk rubbish) 

The application will be a two-step process. After your initial application, we will ask you to write a test review. If you pass the first level of selection we will contact you with details on the review portion of the interview.

As a final word, please don’t hesitate to apply! While our writing standard has increased, none of us started at the level you see now. That is a result of constant trial and error, and from giving and receiving feedback from other writers. We’re a fun, supportive community of prog fanatics who at the end of the day just want to indulge in our passion. With that said, we hope to hear back from you!

Categories: Uncategorized


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