Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Greetings and salutations, loyal readers!

We here at the Subway–your prog overlords of reputable and distinguished taste–are in search of new writers to expand our cast of omniscient, Ziltoid-aspiring crew. We’re a fun team who are passionate and knowledgeable about all things prog metal, so if that sounds like you, apply! 

As a part of The Prog Subway’s team, you will:

  1. Write a review every one to two weeks
  2. Get access to prog metal promos before the rest of the world
  3. Improve your writing
  4. Share great music with a fun, active community 
  5. Get your work read by prog metal fans across the globe
  6. Opportunity to build a portfolio of published work

To apply, please send a us a review of a 2023 prog metal adjacent album1 that:

  1. The Progressive Subway hasn’t already covered (use search!)
  2. Has both significant upsides and downsides (think a 4-6/10 rating, but we leave it up to you)
  3. Has fewer than 20k monthly listeners on Spotify 
  4. Approx word-count from 600-750 words

As well as a bit about yourself (age, location, favorite bands, preferred genres, any relevant experience) to our email Make sure your email starts with REVIEWER APPLICATION in all caps so we don’t miss it. The details for how to apply are also in our contact page now.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to know some of you guys more personally soon on the other side of the process! 

1 if you really can’t find an album to review, you can also send us your information and we will find an album for you. In the end your writing ability matters more to us than how good you are at finding albums and we don’t mean for you to get hung up on that.

Categories: Uncategorized


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