Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Hello, former owner and rambling bullshit post introduction writer Sam here. I am dumb, and despite having made a WordPress website back in high school alongside a course in HTML, CSS, and PHP, I thoroughly suck at all of these things, which resulted in our website looking the way it does. HOWEVER, one of our newer writers Doug CAN ACTUALLY DO STUFF!!! What plagued me for years about this site is the lack of a proper comment section, making interaction with our readers kinda non-existent, BUT NO LONGER. Doug did some magic (following basic instructions, according to him), and now after YEARS, we FINALLY have A WORKING COMMENT SECTION!!! You can now actually talk, tell us our takes are trash, that Christopher really underrated Sermon and that actually you should put it in the top 5 of your album of the year list, that my bullshit is really not funny and detracts from the reading experience, tell Zach that music other than prog death exists, ANYTHING. We’re all really glad to share this with you. As fun as digging up obscure music and writing reviews can be, without reader interaction there is something missing, BUT NOT LONGER! We hope this can be the start of a fun community. So go on, talk! We’re all really curious to hear from y’all.

Categories: Uncategorized


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