Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Style: power (clean vocals)
Review by: Jonah
Country: Greece
Release date: 20-12-2020

NOTE: This album was originally included in the December 2018 issue of The Progressive Subway

Holy shit I’m reviewing a Power Metal album? You’re damn right I am. While my previous reviews might have you thinking I’m just a Death/Doom boy, I absolutely adore myself some Power cheese on occasion, and I grew up on the USPM scene with bands like Queensryche and Iced EarthKarma, sadly, doesn’t quite hit those notes for me. Let’s go over why.

The first thing I noticed on this album is that Karma’s vocalist really, REALLY, sounds like a power metal vocalist. So much so, in fact, that I swear I’ve heard him sing on 30 other albums before this one. This is to say, that while he has an incredibly competent singing voice, there’s nothing exciting at all. He sounds like some kind of hybrid between Tommy Karevik and Tobias Sammet, and if you enjoy the very traditional Power Metal vocal style I’m sure he’ll be just fine for you. I found myself wanting just a bit more, however. The guitars and drums both fall into the same trap of “play one riff/beat for the verse, then another one for the chorus. Rinse/Repeat” and it just doesn’t do much for me. The riffs sound quite generic, and the drumming is repetitive and uninspired. I’m also convinced this band has no bassist.

Why a 6 and not lower, you might ask. Well this is due to the fact that, while no individual facet of the band’s technical ability really impressed me, I will give them credit for their songwriting. Whether not the songs are progressive is debatable, but Karma knows how to write a damn good melodic hook. The choruses throughout this album are punchy as hell, and while I can’t remember a single one currently, while listening I couldn’t help by bob my head along.

I can’t really call this album anything other than a “fine” Power Metal album, but if you’re a fan of the style and want something very, very familiar but just slightly new, you might as well give Karma a spin. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy them more than me, and that’s just fine.

Recommended tracks: Path of Light, Red Lion
Recommended for fans of: Circus Maximus, Edguy, Seventh Wonder
Final verdict: 6/10

Related links: Spotify | Official Website | Facebook | Metal-Archives page

Label: Alcyone Records – Bandcamp | Website | Facebook

Kârma is:
– Anna Manolaraki (vocals)
– Stathis Lianos (guitars)
– Tasos Morfopoulos (drums)
– Stefanos (bass)
– Bill Dragon (keyboards)


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