Review: Freedom of Fear – Carpathia
After some stagnation, I can confirm tech death is good again.
After some stagnation, I can confirm tech death is good again.
With more focus on the tech, this deathcore band could shred their way to Xenobiotic levels of cool.
Barn’s Habitat is the ideal way for kids born in the 90’s and later to experience old school death metal.
Parthian exceed superficial expectations with their level of songwriting coherency and proficiency, establishing a Lovecraftian narrative and hitting home with excellent, diverse compositional material.
Xenobiotic’s new brutally heavy EP shows great promise for the band’s future!
The slinky dissonance of Aethereus collides with the technicality of the Deviant Process at a million miles per hour. This is The Artisan Era-core to a tee.
A complex and intricate release, Dusk Chapel’s Astrophysics And Abnormal Activities finds its place firmly among established names in the genre.
“While we all have lots of bands who influence still, we all rip off Meshuggah!” – Devin Townsend Project