Review: IATT – Nomenclature
Style: Black (harsh vocals)Review by: SamCountry: US-PNRelease date: 27 September, 2019 NOTE: This album was originally included in the September 2019 issue of The Progressive Subway IATT, previously known as I Am the Trireme, is a band that apparently used to play Metalcore so poor Angry Metal Guy gave it Read more…
Review: Sentire – Time and Motion
TFW a band that basically doesn’t exist makes better music than you do
Review: Obsidian Tide – Pillars of Creation
Israel continues to be an amazing hub progressive metal, this time with an Opethian twist
Review: The Offering – Home
“There’s no way to describe The Offering without it sounding absolutely terrible.”
Review: The Night Watch – An Embarrassment of Riches
When classical violin meets instrumental prog metal, good things happen
Review: Iapetus – The Body Cosmic
An amazing prog death album which my garbage writing of four years ago did not do justice in the slightest
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The unexpected resurrection of Daniel Heiman in godly power prog