Review: Exist – Egoiista
Exist’s Egoiista helps them really start to carve their niche into the Progressive Death genre.
Exist’s Egoiista helps them really start to carve their niche into the Progressive Death genre.
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Style: Traditional (mixed vocals)Review by: AndrewCountry: US-CARelease date: 8 November, 2019 NOTE: This album was originally included in the November 2019 issue of The Progressive Subway. A month or two ago, Quintessence from the Prog Discord sent me the link to this album and the message “You might like this Read more…
hen a band is a) really talented and b) can write a good song.
A 43 minute concept-album/track with plenty of sci-fi and variety.
A masterpiece of an album, which can be enjoyed by any fan of Progressive Music.
The Akercocke sideproject is back and they’re edgier than ever