Album Reviews
Review: Sgàile – Traverse the Bealach
Always remember: whilst all cols are bealachs, not all bealachs are cols!
Album Reviews
Missed Albums Review: Triumpher – Storming the Walls
When the singer goes AAAAA, I orgasm
Album Reviews
Review: DGM – Life
DGM are back doing DGM things and for some reason we got to review them!
Album Reviews
Review: Faethom – Chaosmorphogoria
A unique attempt at an uncommon genre combination, do Faethom make it work?
Album Reviews
Review: Immortal Guardian – Unite and Conquer
Who needs a dedicated keyboard player when you can just play guitar and keyboard simultaneously?
Album Reviews
Review: ShadowStrike – Traveler’s Tales
We’re getting into the restaurant review business now. Today: a three course cheese platter from the ShadowStrike fromagerie