Review: Black Yet Full of Stars – Dark Wing Gospel
The arcane and esoteric come together to breathe alchemical life into this orchestral metal record.
Review: Look to Windward – The Last Scattering Surface
Look to Windward are not affiliated with Steve Windward.
What do you mean “it’s Winwood?” I’ve already made the joke. Well, yes I could change it but I don’t want to…
Review: Dystopia – De Verboden Diepte I: Veldslag op de Rand van de Wereld
Dystopia carry a nation on their shoulders.
Review: Déhà & Gnaw Their Tongues – Rituel des Ancêtres
Two of metal’s premier workhorses meet, and the results are much more quality than quantity.
Missed Album Review: Downriver Dead Men Go – Ruins
An exploration of musical negative space that’s defined as much by absence as by its own content.
Review: Crown Compass – The Drought
A thrashy piece of work with a deathier twist, composed of musicians from Cynic, Exivious, Textures, and Pestilence.
Review: Teitan – Vákuum
This is an oppressive, murky slab of acerbic and ritualistic black metal. The vocal layers are dense and haunting, combining harshes and uncomfortable cleans into walls of throat-rending expression, complementing the dynamic chaos of these focused and compellingly unique compositions