Review: Black Yet Full of Stars – Dark Wing Gospel
The arcane and esoteric come together to breathe alchemical life into this orchestral metal record.
The arcane and esoteric come together to breathe alchemical life into this orchestral metal record.
Look to Windward are not affiliated with Steve Windward.
What do you mean “it’s Winwood?” I’ve already made the joke. Well, yes I could change it but I don’t want to…
Dystopia carry a nation on their shoulders.
Two of metal’s premier workhorses meet, and the results are much more quality than quantity.
An exploration of musical negative space that’s defined as much by absence as by its own content.
A thrashy piece of work with a deathier twist, composed of musicians from Cynic, Exivious, Textures, and Pestilence.
This is an oppressive, murky slab of acerbic and ritualistic black metal. The vocal layers are dense and haunting, combining harshes and uncomfortable cleans into walls of throat-rending expression, complementing the dynamic chaos of these focused and compellingly unique compositions