Review: Vögel – Kallið
We enter Mikael Akerfeldt once again.
Wait, no, can I change th—
Review: Anoushbard – Abandoned Treasure
Beautiful folksy prog metal from Iran – what’s not to love?
Review: Descend – The Deviant
Descend may be the band that us Opeth fans have been looking for all these years. This is an album that is truly remarkable. A faithful continuation of Opeth’s formula all while keeping updated with the meta of twenty years of progressive death metal.
Review: Dahlian – Moonlit
Yet another new band takes a crack at the Opeth school of prog. Does this one knock it out of the Blackwater Park? Let’s find out!
Review: Obsidian Tide – Pillars of Creation
Israel continues to be an amazing hub progressive metal, this time with an Opethian twist
Review: Dragonauta – Entropicornio
An amazing blend of Cosmic Sludge, Black Metal and Stoner.
Review: Loneshore – From Presence to Silence
Do you wish Opeth had never faded away from the style that made them big? Loneshore is the band for you!