Review: Mountaineer – Dawn and All That Follows
Close your eyes and drift away on the fuzz
Review: Isle of the Cross – Faustus: The Musical
Till swollen with cunning, of a self-conceit, this album’s waxen wings did mount above its reach.
Review: Botanist – Paleobotany
Careful! Don’t touch my mesozoic conifer fossil collection!
Review: Whom Gods Destroy – Insanium
Like a gifted athlete student turning in his arts and literature term paper, Whom Gods Destroy shoot for thought-provoking but miss the net.
Review: Lou Kelly – Never Was
Is Lou Kelly as divisive as The World Is Quiet Here on the Subway?
Lost in Time: Children of Nova – The Complexity of Light
Step back with me into the distant past of 2009 so that we can… see the future? Prophetic visions are weird like that.
Review: Immortal Guardian – Unite and Conquer
Who needs a dedicated keyboard player when you can just play guitar and keyboard simultaneously?
Review: Son ov Leviathan – Lvcifugium
Full-bodied black metal with a smoky bouquet redolent of burning churches and pagan sacrifice
Review: Dawn of Ouroboros – Velvet Incandescence
Dawn of Ouroboros fumbles the bag on their sophomore outing