Review: Cicada the Burrower – Blight Witch Regalia
Portraying an artist breaking out of her cocoon, does Blight Witch Regalia have the emotional depth to adequately convey its subject material?
Review: Contemplation & Chrono.fixion – Brain Mechanics
Does normal prog seem just a shade duller after Exul to you, too? Brain Mechanics will be a breath of fresh air.
Review: Back to R’lyeh – The Break
In his house in Madrid, dead Cthulhu plays trippy metal
Review: Omega Infinity – The Anticurrent
Omega Infinity will serenade you (with a grip on your throat) as you witness the birth and death of universes.
Missed Album Review: Scarcity – Aveilut
Hovering at the very outskirts of listenability, Aveilut is the terrifying sounds of an accomplished composer reconciling with death–truly haunting.
Review: SkyThala – Boreal Despair
A bunch of guys from Tennessee wrote high modern Russian classical??
Review: Gonemage – Handheld Demise
What was originally intended to scare my peers ended up hurting my ears; however, Gonemage still have a relatively unique take on avant garde black metal worth trying for as long as you can stand it.
Review: Apeiron Bound – Multiplicity
A showcase of a bizarro take on progressive metal.
Review: Xenoglyph – Spiritfraud
Warning us from another planet about technology’s imminent rise to overtake humanity, Xenoglyph write twisting black metal certain to appeal to fans of the genre’s more dissonant leanings.