Review: Crown Compass – The Drought
A thrashy piece of work with a deathier twist, composed of musicians from Cynic, Exivious, Textures, and Pestilence.
A thrashy piece of work with a deathier twist, composed of musicians from Cynic, Exivious, Textures, and Pestilence.
French stoner rock trio providing a soundtrack to your next trip.
Fans of head-splitting time signatures, malleable tempos, and the heaviest riffs that ever riffed, this month’s playlist is songs for you.
Epitaphe merge Romanticism and metal in this AOTY contender from the French Alps.
A loud and bombastic prog metal album with Ghost-esque pop elements.
Style: Avant-Garde Metal, Prog Metal, Avant-Garde Jazz (instrumental)Review by: DanCountry: US-CARelease date: 27 April, 2021 NOTE: This album was originally included in the “Albums We Missed in 2021” Issue of The Progressive Subway Few albums have the balls to truly stand out from the crowd and secure an indelible place Read more…
This is an incredible piece of instrumental songwriting and musicianship. Coevality bring the best of both worlds, soothing atmospheres and catchy melodies, as well as genuinely impressive mechanical skill. This is a true hidden gem that hits you like a breath of fresh air, and is an album to celebrate.
Blog recurring artist Lascaille’s Shroud come out with a release that’s both a continuation of their discography and isn’t.
A refreshingly unique take on death metal, offering playful riffs and outstanding bass. Unpretentious but undeniably technical, with ideas that are allowed to really, fully develop, in a way that breeds an almost psychedelic atmosphere without reliance on any tropes of the ‘psychedelic’ label. The mix is pristine, the songwriting is excellent. This is absolutely fucking fantastic.