Our Favorite Albums of March 2024!
March may have been dry but we bring the sauce
March may have been dry but we bring the sauce
The year is quickly ramping up as February is chock full of bangers
The Subway writers pick their favourite albums of January 2024!
We listened, we reviewed, we bickered, we voted. And now, here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: our top ten favourite albums of 2023!
Ryan has listened to probably twelve million albums this year, but these are the ten he enjoyed the most.
Really, it’s 2024 already? I have to wrap up all this 2023 stuff? Well, if you say so…
Cooper’s top 10 albums of 2023 are here to set the record straight.
Watch as our newest full-time writer constructs a top 10 list of the year based solely off of albums he’s heard in the past couple months.
The Lord of the Cave has crawled out of his hovel to bring you his ten favorite albums of 2023!
Will Andy’s picks be too left-field or just right?