Album Reviews
Review: Ungfell – De Ghörnt
I didn’t think cuffing season would involve a vengeful goat cryptid, but here we are.
Album Reviews
Review: Capilla Ardiente – Where Gods Live and Men Die
I leave for two hours and you turn my house into a burning skull mountain wasteland? That’s it, I’m hiring a babysitter next time.
Album Reviews
Review: Joey Frevola – Art Supplies and Pain
If you throw all your paint at the wall, some of it’s bound to stick… and make a huge mess.
Album Reviews
Review: Schammasch – The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean
Who needs vocal melodies when you can just talk intently about surrealism and the occult?
Album Reviews
Review: The Chronicles of Manimal and Samara – Origins
Wait, this isn’t the TV show about a man who transforms into an animal? I want my money back!