Review: Max Enix – Far From Home
Drifting mindlessly through a prog dimension, Max Enix’s new album is a rudderless, painfully long album with little worth noting.
Review: Moral Collapse – Divine Prosthetics
Moral Collapse collapses a bit from their fire debut, sagging under a failed attempt at innovating upon their sound.
Review: Sacred Outcry – Towers of Gold
Sacred Outcry enlists power metal’s biggest cheat code on their sophomore album, Towers of Gold… Daniel Heiman!
Review: Bríi – Último Ancestral Comum
My personal music god is back with his first main project full length in what feels like ages… does it stand up to his magnum opera?
Review: Kostnatění – Úpal
Feel your sanity melt away as Kostanteni masterfully blends dissonant black metal with Eastern folk music. Hail the new black metal god of the desert!
Review: Déhà & Gnaw Their Tongues – Rituel des Ancêtres
Two of metal’s premier workhorses meet, and the results are much more quality than quantity.
Review: Lunar Chamber – Shambhallic Vibrations
Lunar Chamber’s debut EP is for the thoughtful, meditative death metal fan… without sacrificing techy brutality.
Review: Cicada the Burrower – Blight Witch Regalia
Portraying an artist breaking out of her cocoon, does Blight Witch Regalia have the emotional depth to adequately convey its subject material?