Album Reviews
Review: Vestígio – Vestígios
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Caio Lemos, the forest spirit, my god, has a new band, and that’s worth screaming a little bit about.
Album Reviews
Review: Malokarpatan – Vertumnus Caesar
Experimental black metal can be accessible, too!
Album Reviews
Review: Dream Unending & Worm – Starpath
Worm and Dream Unending have crafted a dreamy death/doom opus worthy of your time.
Album Reviews
Review: Vertebra Atlantis – A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime
Vertebra Atlantis are starting to find an identity of their own.
Album Reviews
Review: Stortregn – Finitude
Stortregn follow one of my favorite tech death albums ever and arguably have improved…