Review: Dream Theater – Parasomnia
Recommended for fans of: wait a minute, isn’t this the biggest band in prog? Oh yeah, Portnoy’s also back, I guess.
Review: Teramaze – Desire Colours n Lust
These fellas really can’t stop themselves from releasing new music, can they?
Missed Album Review: Kingcrow – Hopium
Don’t you also love it when your favorite band is blissfully unaware of meme culture?
Sam’s Top Ten Albums of 2024!
How many synonyms for “emotional” and “atmospheric” do you need?
Missed Album Review: Teramaze – Eli: A Wonderful Fall From Grace
“Get your ticket for a one of a kind / A performer that’ll blow your mind”
Missed Album Review: Amiensus – Reclamation Pt. II
Waiter, waiter! Can I have some more riffs with my coffee? I SAID MORE RIFFS, MOOOORE!!!
Review: Schammasch – The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean
Who needs vocal melodies when you can just talk intently about surrealism and the occult?
Review: Black Sites – The Promised Land?
My editors always tell me to lure readers into reading our reviews with a witty sentence—WAIT I’M AN EDITOR TOO? FUCK!
…Anyway, this is some pretty kick-ass proggy heavy metal!