Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Style: Blackened Death Metal (harsh vocals)
Review by: Callum
Country: US-WA
Release date: 14 February, 2022

NOTE: This album was originally included in the “Albums We Missed in 2020” Issue of The Progressive Subway

It always boggles my mind when a band’s debut album sounds as polished as a seasoned veteran’s, and even the vets can miss the mark despite their years of experience. The production, musicianship, and songwriting in The Arrows of Our Ways, Izthmi’s first release, are beyond impressive. The dual guitars flex on basically every track that isn’t an interlude with a blackened death style that doesn’t shy away from the odd virtuosic guitar solo. Vocalist, Jakob Keizer, also gives a masterful performance. The band as a whole shows that they have a command over several genre styles in atmospheric, death, and black metal but also the song crafting skill to deftly stitch them together in a cohesive and naturally flowing form. I’d dare to liken it to Orchid- or Morningrise-era Opeth in terms of the transitions between different styles.

Perhaps some artistic liberties were taken with the introduction and interludes. A little breathing room between >6 minute tracks is welcome, however, whether the content quite fits the context is another question. The intro track, “Chasm”, is just that; a chasm filled by whirrs and whooshes of a modular synthesizer. It certainly sets a tone, but not necessarily one that logically leads into the burst of neck-snapping melodeath in the following track, “To Traipse Alone”. The same could be said for the fourth track, “Interlude”, another modulated synth that doesn’t particularly lead anywhere. It’s literally more of an intermission where you can leave to grab some snacks and come back without missing anything. I do however like that at least the philosophical musings of Victor Frankl in “The Angels are Lost” finally contribute to a central theme of searching for meaning in life. 

Of the main tracks, “A Shout That Bursts Through the Silence of Unmeaning” stands out as solid encompassment of all that Izthmi do best. The relentless blast-beaten black metal sections are crushing, yet the melodic parts build to surprisingly uplifting and epic highs. Variances in vocal delivery between shrieks and strained, emotional cries add depth and feeling behind vibrant guitar riffs and tasteful pinch harmonic bends. Despite verging on a few clichés through the dull interludes and obscure vocal samples, The Arrows of Our Ways is an incredibly mature sounding album and promising for the future of Izthmi.

Recommended tracks: To Traipse Alone, A Shout That Bursts Through the Silence of Unmeaning, The Arrows of Our Ways
Recommended for fans of: Abigail Williams, Panopticon, (90s era) Opeth
Final verdict: 7.5/10

Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Facebook | Instagram | RYM page

Label: Independent

Izthmi is:
– Jakob Keizer (vocals, keyboards)
– Autumn Schibret (guitars, bass)
– Brett Tomsett (guitars, bass)
– Nolan Head (drums)

1 Comment

Reports from the Underground: Halfway Through 2022 - The Progressive Subway · December 12, 2023 at 09:58

[…] to the whole thing in one sitting.You may also like: Hands of Despair, The Fall of Every Season, Izthmi, […]

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