Navigating You Through the Progressive Underground

Style: Blackened Melodeath (Harsh/Mixed vocals)
Review by: Dylan
Country: Germany
Release date: 01-09-2018

NOTE: This album was originally included in the September 2018 issue of The Progressive Subway

For the first time in my review history, I’ve got an album I can clearly compare to some more well known/established acts. Omega Point play a style of music very similar to Insomnium and Skeletonwitch. Epic, somber and melodic melodeath, with hints of black thrown here and there. This is a style that, when done right, I’m a huge fan of.

And I’m very happy to say it’s very well done here. The production is good, the riffage is on point, and even the vocals are worth a praise. Much like Insomnium there is a mix of spoken vocals, clean vocals, and dominant harsh vocals. These are used very well to fit any specific mood the album is going for, and allows for good changes of pace.

Overall a very short album, that was enjoyable from start to finish… Sadly, they didn’t wow me to any degree for me to be amazed by what I was hearing, but I was not bored for even one second. If you just want good melodeath of an established sound, done by a lesser known act, this release is just for you.

Recommended tracks: Path to eternity
Recommended for fans of: Skeletonwitch, Insomnium
Final verdict: 8/10

Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Official Website | Facebook | Metal-Archives page

Label: Independent

Omega Point is:
– Jonathan Rittirsch (vocals)
– Ristridi (guitars)
– Chris Dovas (drums)


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