Style: Technical/dissonant death metal, avant-garde metal (harsh vocals)
Recommended for fans of: Gorguts, Imperial Triumphant
Country: New Jersey, United States
Release date: 12 April 2024
Over the past few years, the Subway’s research and expansion division has observed a phenomenon only known as The Cave. See, we’re trying to move from the abandoned Cleveland, Ohio office building that we call our headquarters, and quite frankly the only place with lower rent is the giant hole smack dab in the middle of [LOCATION REDACTED]. But we aren’t stupid, we had to do our research regarding The Cave’s wildlife, starting with Carnosus before finding the all-powerful, telekinetic Afterbirth, deemed far too dangerous to interact with.
However, this morning we discovered a new species on Cavecam 6. A species much larger and possibly even more aggressive than Carnosus. With its slamming sensibilities, there is a high probability of its relation to the easily angered but incredibly stupid Wormhole. How do we know this creature, now known by genus name: Replicant, is a cave-native? Simple, they abide by the almighty riff.
Replicant use their massive size as a species to their advantage, and unlike Afterbirth, they aren’t a stealth-focused predator. ‘Acid Mirror’, their opening war song, starts without warning, and by the time you realize you’re in their warpath, it’s far too late. Replicant hit you with a dissonant sonic force completely unrivaled, almost goading you into attacking it first. But only a fool would charge something this massive head on, and there are plenty of fools in the Subway’s Cave Recon team.
While Carnosus possesses superhuman speed and riff-acrobatics, Replicant feel the need to do no such thing to impress. Their strength lies from the horrifying appearance of their sonic landscapes, appearing less like a speeding bullet and more like a freight train going off the rails that’s not going to stop because you’re in the way. Once traveling as a pack of three, Replicant have added Itay Keren of the genus Windfaerer to their hunting party, and his presence speaks volumes, adding even more “harmonies” to their already stellar guitarwork. The breakdown/main riff reprisal of ‘Shrine to the Incomprehensible’ will drive you into a killing frenzy, leaving you completely distracted and vulnerable, while Replicant readies to move in for the kill.
Speaking of the individuals that make up this cave-monster, Mike Goncalves has been known to unleash the most pained shrieks and yells in all of The Cave, and he surely does not fail here. One only needs a cursory listen to the frequency titled ‘Pain Enduring’ to be unnerved as he tears his throat apart to deliver sermons for all The Cave to hear, and fear. James Applegate beats the living hell out of his drums like they owe him money, and Goncalves’s bass provides an impenetrable, aural wall of grime for the guitars to lay atop.
By the time our short, forty-four minute study was finished and our final frequency, ‘Planet of Skin’ had finished, most of our research team had either exploded or institutionalized themselves. Thus, I began to do my own research on the beast, specifically their previous effort, Malignant Reality. While I do lament the lack of cleaner production, and the occasional bits of melody, I cannot deny that Infinite Mortality is a step up, if a small one, from their previous war-cries.
Infinity Mortality proves that Replicant is not yet king of the cavernous ecosystem but now crown themselves atop the realm of riff-induced IQ deficits. Though not too dissimilar from their last set of frequencies, I still find a strange comfort in the familiarity of this creature. They truly were everything I expected from something that thrives within The Cave. This is Head Scientist Zacharius signing off by saying I need a change of underwear.
Recommended tracks: Acid Mirror, Orgasm of Bereavement, Pain Enduring, Planet of Skin
You may also like: Afterbirth, Wormhole, Artificial Brain
Final verdict: 8/10
Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Facebook | Instagram | Metal-Archives page
Label: Transcending Obscurity – Bandcamp | Facebook | Official Website
Replicant is:
– Mike Goncalves (vocals, bass)
– Peter Lloyd (guitars, keyboards, noise)
– Itay Keren (guitars, vocals)
– James Applegate (drums)