Style: Progressive death metal (mixed vocals)
Recommended for fans of: Death, Atheist
Review by: Zach
Country: Pennsylvania/South Carolina, United States
Release date: 18 August, 2023
The line between a copycat and showing influence on your sleeve is razor thin. Take Cowboy Bebop for example, which has shot-for-shot references of old westerns that Shinichiro Watanabe enjoyed when he was growing up. Is the finished product one of the most original pieces of media I’ve ever seen? On the surface, not really. Bounty hunters in space, big whoop. It’s the theming and narrative structure of Bebop that make it special. Watanabe examined his influences, took note of what made them work, and translated that into his own writing. Point is, you don’t have to make original to make good.
Horrendous are, on the surface, not that original. A progressive death metal band influenced by the likes of Death and Atheist. That sure narrows it down, doesn’t it? They could easily be written off as another Schuldiner wannabe if not for the absolutely ridiculous track record they have. Five albums deep, and Horrendous have yet to release an album that I wouldn’t at least call good, with most of them landing closer to great. Why are they so good you may ask? Because these boys have examined the great titans of old prog-death, and they’ve clearly figured something out that us mortals haven’t caught onto yet.
Let’s start off with my favorite aspect of every Horrendous album. Damian Herring, one half of this band’s riff factory, is probably one of the best producers working right now. Every record sounds nothing short of stellar, and Ontological is no exception. Not only is every instrument perfectly balanced, everything sounds so organic. Clicky kicks and computerized guitar tones have never been Horrendous’s shtick, and they’re better off for it. The fact that this may be the best sounding record Herring has ever produced says a ton about his talent and Ontological Mysterium.
However, a polished turd is still a turd. All the production in the world can’t hide blemishes, and thankfully this album has practically none. ‘Chrysopoeia (The Archeology of Dawn)’ showcases Horrendous at their most proggy, including the best riff I’ve heard all year that they thankfully use a few times. Right off the bat, this song sets up everything you’re about to experience summarized in seven minutes: Clean vocals, fretless bass straight from the school of DiGiorgio, and a sheer sense of badassery emanating from every pore.
Herring’s characteristic shrieks have never sounded better than on ‘Neon Leviathan’, which should’ve been called ‘The Second Coming of Atheist’. I’ve seen many bands try to impersonate this style of 90s prog-death songwriting, and nobody’s got it this right on. Ever. The jazzy, chaotic songwriting is such a great contrast to the more melodic opener, and an even better contrast to chilled out fourth song ‘Aurora Neoterica’.
The songwriting on this album is crazy diverse for death metal. Horrendous even dip their toes into what’s probably the only prog-death ballad I’ve ever heard in ‘Preterition Hymn’. The rock-esque riffs on this song meld perfectly with the noodly bass and complete lack of double kicks. But they make sure you don’t get too comfortable as the last four songs all pummel you back down to hell. When the final bell tolled on closer, ‘The Death Knell Ringeth,’ I started Ontological Mysterium right back from the beginning.
Horrendous continue to cement themselves straight into the death metal hall of fame with each release. They are, without a single doubt in my mind, the current kings of old school, Schuldiner-esque prog-death. Nobody since Sweven has gotten this style so dead on, and so fresh at the same time. Horrendous are far, far more than a copycat, they have breathed life into the genre that hasn’t been seen since the 90s. Don’t sleep on this one, I promise it’s worth it.
Recommended tracks: Neon Leviathan, Chrysopoeia (The Archaeology of Dawn), Cult of Shaad’oah, The Death Knell Ringeth, Preterition Hymn
You may also like: Ulthar, Hooded Menace, Skyglow
Final verdict: 10/10
Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Facebook | Instagram | Metal-Archives page
Label: Season of Mist – Facebook | Official Website
Horrendous is:
– Jamie Knox (drums)
– Matt Knox (guitars, vocals)
– Damian Herring (guitars, vocals)
– Alex Kulick (bass)