Style: Stoner Doom, Progressive Metal (mixed vocals)
Review by: Jonah
Country: UK
Release date: 19 June, 2020
[EDITOR’S NOTE: This review was originally published in the June 2020 (part 2) Issue of The Progressive Subway]
The doom output this year has finally started to look pretty dang good, and it has left me a real happy camper. There have been a few doom albums in recent months that have absolutely knocked my socks off in the best, slowest way. Now I find myself listening to the self-titled album by Eyes Fly and wondering if they’ll successfully do the same.
For the most part, yes they do. This album is chock full of delicious riffs, very traditionally stoner styled clean vocals and some really nice snarled harshes. Add to this very audible and chunky bass grooves, and some drumming that feels like it came from a slightly less technical Brann Dailor and you’ve got a real spicy doom album on your hands. Each song has a lot of movements and it feels like a journey as you listen through the album.
The overall sound is really pleasant, not oppressively heavy but also not too light, there is a sonic middle-ground that is hit quite well here. The production is good enough, although the vocals sometime feel pushed very far back in the mix and I want the bass tone to be just a bit thicker. This is nitpicking though, and honestly I heartily enjoyed this release. I think by the end of its 51 minute runtime the sound gets a tad homogenous, but honestly I will absolutely continue listening to this one.
So is this the most original release of the year? Absolutely not, Eyes Fly wear their influences on their sleeves and do so proudly. But they do the bands that originated, and have been improving upon, this style quite proud with this album. If you’re looking for an abundance of riffs, some fun lead work, killer drumming, and really enjoyable bass and vocal performances this is the album for you, and I heartily recommend it.
Recommended tracks: Supernova Building, The Long Return, Coerce Control
Recommended for fans of: Khemmis, Mastodon, Spirit Adrift
Final verdict: 8/10
Related links: Bandcamp | Spotify | Facebook | Metal-Archives page
Label: Independent
Eyes Fly is:
– Dean Gaylard (vocals)
– Pete Dunn (guitar)
– Gareth “Gaz” Jones (drums)
– Tom Prangley (bass)
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